Michigan Real Estate Investors
Mission Statement

MREI Mission Statement:

To provide a venue for the real estate investor in the Midwest to learn, grow and prosper through real estate investing.  We will do this through networking, education, and hands-on training (while having a good time!)

Michigan Real Estate Investors
Code of Ethics

All members of the Association shall agree to observe and be bound by the following Code of Ethics.

The ownership and management of real estate is a highly regulated segment of the free enterprise system of the United States of America. As such, the members of the Michigan Real Estate Investors Association (MREI) must treat this enterprise with the utmost professionalism. MREI membership includes each member in an organization of people who are intent on expanding their knowledge of real estate investing and management.  In order to pursue these ends in a legal and ethical manner, all “MREI members” will be held to a higher standard of ethical behavior. This includes, but is not limited to the following enumerated list of behaviors:

  1. Members shall constantly seek to provide better values, so that people may know and enjoy the benefits of homeownership or rental living.
  2. Members shall at all times contribute their knowledge in providing housing and management to the best interest of those they serve.
  3. MREI members will be responsible to complete their own due diligence in all business dealings.
  4. Members will not intentionally misrepresent any material fact in their business dealings, including their business dealings with other members.
  5. Members shall not obtain any business by means of fraudulent statements or by use of implications unwarranted by fact or reasonable probability.
  6. Members shall comply with rules and regulations prescribed by law and government agencies for the health, safety, and progress of the community.
  7. Members shall not perform or cause to be performed any act which would tend to reflect on or bring into disrepute any part of the housing provider industry.
  8. Members shall not perform or cause to be performed any act which would tend to reflect on or bring into disrepute the Association.
  9. I agree that I will only put out 1 flyer or business card per month and it will be my own with my full name on the flyer. I will not put out any flyers for non-members or members not attending the meeting.  Flyers without a member name on them will be discarded at the meetings.
  10. Members shall conduct their business practices between other members with integrity in an honest manner and shall not conduct any business transaction which would tend to bring disrepute to the Member’s business, the business of another member, to any part of the housing provider industry, or to the Association.
  11. Members acknowledge that the policy of the Association is to support and foster Fair Housing. Members understand that it is illegal to advertise or in any way to discriminate in the rental of a dwelling to a person because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin. All members pledge to uphold all Fair Housing Laws.
  12. The association has the right to remove my membership at any time for failure to abide by any of the above.


Contact Us

Michigan Real Estate Investors

3676 Clarkston Rd., Suite A
Clarkston, MI 48348
(248) 394-0150

Proud Chapter of National REIA

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www.MichiganRealEstateInvestors.com  (Michigan Real Estate Investors) does not give legal, tax, economic, or investment advice. MREI disclaims all liability for the action or inaction taken or not taken as a result of communications from or to its members, officers, directors, employees and contractors. Each person should consult their own counsel, accountant and other advisors as to legal, tax, economic, investment, and related matters concerning Real Estate and other investments.   

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